Monday, September 16, 2024

GIS Jobs

GIS jobs come in many different shapes and sizes, ranging from specialist, analyst, developer, and administrator roles. I tend to look for positions that focus more on the development side of things. Development might involve web GIS, front-end or back-end work, or the creation of tools.

My strengths lie in free, open-source software (FOSS) GIS technology, but many GIS developer jobs specifically require C#, particularly those familiar with the ArcGIS Standard Development Kit (SDK). This requirement is so prevalent that there are approximately 20 such job listings for every one that doesn't require C#. Other important skills often mentioned in these job advertisements include JavaScript/TypeScript and Python, again emphasizing the Esri ArcGIS SDK.

The more software developer-themed listings often resemble other tech job listings, with a long list of required or desired skills that can take years to develop, only to indicate that the position is entry-level and has a corresponding salary range. This creates a minefield of embellishment or unclear descriptions.

Given my strengths, as I begin my journey to establish myself as an ArcGIS Pro developer, I tend to seek out companies whose primary focus is Federal contracts. Such contracts align well with my strengths as a developer.

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